Our reputation, which we earned through our successes, demonstrates our high degree of professionalism.
Our reputation, which we earned through our successes, demonstrates our high degree of professionalism.
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Our lawyers are devoted to complex cases and committed to helping clients who face critical situations.
A new area is emerging in legal practice : an approach focused on dedication and efficiency, instead of the old, profit-based practice model.
We are pleased to answer your questions. Contact us by telephone, through our forms, on Messenger or vigour LiveChat service.
We are your ally. We believe in getting the best possible result for you. We will make sure that you are consistently well represented and that the judicial system proves equal to the task. Do not hesitate to contact us. Our lawyers will always take the time to listen to you.
We believe that the legal aid system is not designed in a way that ensures that everyone receives the best possible defence. However, we may accept your case under the appearance of legal aid. Our lawyers also occasionally take pro bono cases. In order to better understand the legal aid system and how private bar lawyers are paid, contact us or click here.
You can certainly make inquiries with one of our appeals lawyers to find out whether it is ap-propriate to go to the Court of Appeal. Unlike in other countries, the Canadian judicial system does not allow re-trials on appeal. Essentially, appeal courts are there to make sure that the process that led to your conviction was fair and that the applicable rules of law were respect-ed. Very rarely does the Court of Appeal accept new evidence that was not presented at trial. However, you must be aware that you have only one opportunity to state your case. It is safe to say that most of the time, a trial is won the first time round. Therefore, it is important to in-vest the necessary resources and energy at the beginning of proceedings. To learn more about our expertise in this field, click here.
We are committed to providing accessible legal services. Our lawyers are very competent and offer their services at a reasonable price. For more details on our rates, click here.
Our lawyers specialize in criminal law and are experts in the field. With very few exceptions, a lawyer practicing criminal law is best placed to advise and assist you with your case. In order to provide our clients with a sound legal opinion, it is important to know the rules of law and the way the system works. Even more so, it is important to work in a humane manner and to pro-vide a service that is adapted to each person. For example, a lawyer would generally recom-mend that clients not speak to the police. However, there are situations where it is necessary to do so.
” When a case sets out be a rocky road, I don’t hesitate to embark upon it. Taking shortcuts will only serve the system and cutting corners will help neither the client nor the justice.”
People look for a lawyer who shows good judgement based on the client’s requirements and needs.
In my daily practice, I act with integrity toward my clients, the people involved in a case and the values I cherish.
I strongly believe in the presumption of innocence. The outcome of a case depends on my commitment toward my client.
When a case sets out be a rocky road, I don’t hesitate to embark upon it. Taking shortcuts will only serve the system and cutting corners will help neither the client nor the justice.
The presumption of innocence is a fundamental justice principle. It protects citizens against wrongful convictions. I endorse the words of Éric Dupond-Moretti, a famous French criminal lawyer.
When an someone is acquitted, the justice inclines itself strictly before the rules of the Criminal Procedure Code with, as a corollary, the eventuality of letting free a guilty person who would otherwise be overlooked.
However, as long as people will be acquitted – including guilty people -, the real innocent will remain serene.
– Le dictionnaire de ma vie (traduction libre)
The presumption of innocence prevents the innocent from being wrongfully incarcerated. I defend this principle each and every day.
I accept legal aid assignments under certain circumstances. I also work pro bono on certain cases.
Victim of an injustice?
Contact me for more information.
Our team is made up of rigorous lawyers and litigators who will defend you tirelessly.
Doyon Avocats integrates traditional values and applies an extraordinary work ethic through the most recent technologies.
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Nos activités se poursuivent. Cependant, nous ferons appel aux outils technologiques pour la rencontre des clients ou toutes nouvelles demandes.
Nous profitons de l’occasion pour suggérer à tout le monde d’agir conformément à notre responsabilité civique de mettre en place des mesures visant à ralentir la propagation du virus.
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